Sunday, March 6, 2011

Love Letter

My dearest one,
We have been separated for too long. Words cannot describe my love for you, nor the pain I felt when you broke faithfulness and ran away from me. I have done what I can for you even as you ran, but I cannot stand being parted from you any longer. You are so special to me, so beautiful. Despite the hundreds, thousands, or millions of people I could have chosen, I chose you to be my precious one and have loved you and longed to love you since before you were even aware of me. My heart breaks over you ever day, because you have not seen my love. If you knew how much I loved you, you would not chase other lovers like you have done.

But now I will prove my love for you, so that you can have no doubt. You have run so far you think you can never return to me. You feel lost on the other side of the void that grew between us over long years of estrangement. But my love is stronger than that! My love is stronger than the past, than the sins, than the stains. So great is my love for you, that I have sent my one and only, my most precious Son to you, to die as you would have died, despised and forsaken of me, and to rise as you can one day rise, in glory and freedom. Take his hand, my dearest one, and let him lead you to me; let him wash you clean and clothe you in white for our wedding day. He is the only way back to me. If you refuse him, you will be lost beyond returning. You cannot come back to me by yourself, but he will carry you to me and make you fit again. Seek out my Son. Follow him without restraint and he will bring you to me.

I want to be with you. I long to embrace you, and hold you to my bosom as my beloved at last—my cherished one above all else. I do not want to live the rest of my life without you by my side. Come back to me. Let me wash you, let me heal your scars, let me make whole the broken pieces of your heart. My enemy has lied to you about me, telling you I could never accept you again, telling you you lost my love when you broke my heart, telling you I desire your service and not your heart.... but he is the Liar; I am the Lover. He wants you for himself—to abuse and destroy—and will do anything to keep you from me. But I want you more.

Come to me, my beloved. Forsake all others and come to me, I beg you. I am the only lover who can satisfy you. I am the only one who loves you with a consuming love—the others only want to use you. They cannot love you as I love you. I have made the way, darling—you have only to take it and we can be together forever.

Yours forever I Am.

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