Monday, January 9, 2012

If Christ is Lord...

… what does it look like? We're told we'll know Christ-followers by their fruit. When you think about it, that's a little scary. You mean we can't tell if someone is truly a Christian (Christ-follower) by how much Scripture they've memorized? How sound their doctrine is? How much they understand about God and His Word? Whether or not they hold positions of church leadership? Well, that stinks.

Take me for example. I was raised in a very strong, conservative, doctrinally sound family that took seriously raising their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Even as a preteen, I knew more about theology and apologetics than most adults. I've always been a strong proponent of what I understand to be the truth. I had grand, godly standards/principles and worldview. Everybody thought I was this wonderful, godly, definitely-Christian young woman.

But I wasn't. I was an incredibly proud, bitter, self-absorbed person who hid away from reality as much as possible. I didn't have a personal relationship with Christ. But I didn't know that. After all, I'd prayed "the prayer"… I believed God created the world and His Son, Jesus, died for my sins… I read the Bible regularly…I knew way more about God than most people… I had better theology and lived more morally than some pastors… I was a Christian, right? Looking back, no, I don't think I was. I know for sure that I did not know God until then. I wasn't right with Him. I certainly wasn't walking humbly with Him on the throne of my life. (see Micah 6:8)

My point being… there's a heck of a lot of difference between knowing (about) God in your mind… and making Him Lord of your heart. And only one of those is going to make the saving difference in your life.

The Bible's standard for determining whether or not someone has Christ as Lord of their life has absolutely nothing to do with how much Truth s/he knows or believes. It's about whether or not that Truth changes the way s/he lives. The Bible's standard looks something like this:

I. If we do not actively love (see 1 Cor 13 for the definition) others, we are not of God.
II. If we are walking in pride, we cannot be walking with God.
III. The fruits of the Spirit are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Every single one of us, no matter how much Truth we believe, should really take time to prayerfully and humbly consider that criteria.

Obviously, even once we are saved, there is a large work of sanctification to be done, so I'm not saying you'll see all of these right away in a new convert, nor that a person will never struggle with any of these once they are saved. But if one claims to've been saved for a good long time, and yet has never shown any of this fruit (<raises hand> that was me most of my life)… there could be a very eternal problem.

Thankfully, all it takes is truly humbling oneself before God, and surrendering the reigns to Him to make the biggest, most beautiful difference we can encounter this side of Heaven.

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